Sponsor a Child’s Education
When it comes to educating our children, the global community has made great strides in recent decades. Global primary school enrollment rates are higher now than they were 25 years ago, and the youth literacy rate is on the rise. More girls are enrolled in school than anytime in the past 15 years.
But millions of children around the world are still being left out. In the developing world, children from the poorest households are four times less likely to be enrolled in school than those from the richest. 57 million children worldwide of primary school age aren’t enrolled in any kind of school program at all.
Our Education charity campaigns focus on raising funds to buy school uniforms or supplies like textbooks and pencils while not overlooking the underlying social, economic, and health issues that cause children to not attend or drop out of school in the first place. Also, these campaigns are often not modeled on evidence-backed interventions proven to boost school attendance and enrollment rates.
Education should be a right for all children—not just those who live in the developed world, or those who come from wealthier families. Our organization do innovative work to help keep children in school for years to come.